Tuesday, September 30, 2008

And We're Off...

Well, today is our last day here at Ft. Lewis. Tomorrow we will load up on a chartered plane and fly to Bangor, Maine then to Germany and then to Kuwait where we will stay for ten more days of training and acclimation. I maybe out of the electronic world for those ten days but when I get up and running at Balad, I will update the blog.

We had a visit from General Harris today. He stopped in to wish us well. Mostly pomp and ceremony so for me a complete waste of time. Our soldiers are in good spirits and ready to get started. Training was getting redundant and the anticipation was building, so most guys were eager for this day to come.

I would like to welcome Cpt. Roscoe's PA students from Butler University. He has linked us to his blog and so to all of you Bull Dogs...Welcome! By the way, I have quite a bit of dirt on your professor, so if anyone needs a better grade, get with me and I will tell you things that should make the rest of your semester smooth sailing.

I talked to Karen and Karis tonight. I will have one more opportunity to call them before we leave the country. Karis has been a trooper through all of this and Karen has been doing a great job keeping her busy so that she doesn't dwell on the fact that daddy is gone for a while. I would like to ask everyone to pray for Karen as she does the single mom duties for the next year. As many of you know, Karen is a hard working, Type A, personality so I have complete confidence in her abilities and am grateful to have a wife who is as gifted as she is. I would ask, however, that you pray that Christ watches over my family.

I will make this blog short tonight as it is getting late and we have to get up early to head to the airport. Washington State has been a beautiful place for us over the last five weeks and I am so glad that we mobilized out of Ft. Lewis. Of course, I still have a hard time understanding why the Army flew us from Camp Atterbury, Indiana, which is a mobilization site, to the west coast, train us up and then fly us all the way back across the country to fly to the Middle East. But that is your tax dollars hard at work.

I want you all to know that I am thankful to you for checking in and for your prayers. I pray that Christ is the Lord of your life and that you are abiding in His will.

God Bless and I will write more in 10 days.


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