Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sand Storms and Generals and a Final Note...

Good Evening Everyone,
Well the day is finally here. I am making my last entry into this blog for this deployment. We are moving out of our rooms tomorrow and we will spend the next two weeks moving from place to place in transition. We will move down to transition housing here at Balad and then we will fly to Camp Virginia in Kuwait. From Kuwait we will head back to Camp Atterbury. We should be back in Indiana on the 13th or 14th of August.

This year has been long and difficult for all of us. We came here as a small medical company not really looking to change the world but to simply do our part in this war effort for the small period of time that we were here.

Along the way, we lost a significant part of our company do to injury and emergencies. We had some of our medics sent to other places in theater to perform a variety of missions and the remainder of us dedicated ourselves to the task at hand.

As a company of soldiers, we struggled as we adapted to our environment. We fought to find our battle space and we established a standard of care that we could all be proud to be a part.

Personally, we have developed bonds of friendship that only people in these types of situations could understand. I will forever be grateful to my medics who gave me the wonderful blessing of being their clinical leader. I never once forgot that our medics were the backbone of our mission and I am so proud and honored to have shared this year of my life with them.

As an officer, we have certain limitations. There is a certain amount of distance that we have to keep with our enlisted soldiers. Because there are always more enlisted troops than officers in any military company, the officers have to band together if we want to develop personal friendships. I want to share with you how important Mike, Bryan, Travis, and Tim have been to me during this year. It truly is amazing the personal and professional bond that we developed while we were here. As medical providers, we complemented each other very well. Where one was weak, the other was strong, when one was down, another would encourage, when one needed help, the other provided. The bond that we developed and the respect that we have for each other goes beyond anything that I have ever experienced. It has simply been a blessing having these guys in my life.
As a side bar, I would like to thank Bryan for his friendship. I cannot imagine what this tour would have been like without his friendship. He held me accountable in all things and he was especially annoying when it came to exercising. He would not let me off the hook when it came time to go to the gym. I hope that I will be able to keep up the habit of working out when I get home.
As far as our personal lives, I think we all faced a challenge. This has been a year of learning and coping. Being absent from our families has been, perhaps our most difficult obstacle. At some level, we can't help but to have some guilt over not being home and taking care of our loved ones.
Emotionally, we all had some struggles. I was surprised how many of us experienced home sickness. I think being in such a strange place made home so much more cherished. Over the year, some of our soldiers had relationship issues. It is difficult to try and sustain a relationship with someone back home when you are so far away. Some of our guys had girlfriends and wives terminate their relationships. This is not a new phenomenon in the military, but the pain that such an event has is still very real. It is difficult to try and counsel a soldier who goes through such a situation but I think that eventually one comes to the point where a broken relationship just isn't worth the immense emotional investment.
For our part in this military mission, I believe that we did a great job in taking care of the troops. We were seeing 2,500-3,000 patients a month. We took anything and everything that came through our doors. We took ownership of this clinic in October of last year and I believe that we are handing it off in much better shape then how we received it. For that I am most proud.

Over the year, we received so much encouragement from family, friends, and strangers, back home. The packages and letters that we received, especially around the holidays, really did lift our spirits and made this tour much more tolerable. We befriended elementary school children and developed pen pals with these kids. Their questions and insights would make us laugh and at times tugged at our hearts.
Finally, I would like to make comment about the overall purpose of our mission. As soldiers, we serve our country and at the pleasure of our Commander-in-Chief. Like the rest of Americans, we, in the military, all have a variety of political opinions and beliefs. Weather we agree with this conflict or not, we all understand that we have a job to do and that job is to care for the soldier. I would like to share with you that our company did our very best to ensure that our brothers and sisters returned home safely. For me, I must say, that it has been a long time since I felt such a sense of purpose and I am so glad that the Lord gave me this opportunity and these friends to bless my life.

I want to thank you all so much for following along. I will continue to update this after I get home. But eventually, I will shift my entries to my other blog title 'In the Best Interest of the United States. The address is Some of you have already been following along. I will add an entry to this blog when we arrive at Atterbury. I look forward to getting home and getting together with you. I will be taking some time off when I get home and I will visit family and friends. I can't wait.

So, with all of this said, I will say good night. Below I have some pictures of a visit that we had from General Umbarger. He is the senior officer in the State of Indiana. He has been around for years and we really do respect him as our commander. The other pictures below is of our last sand storm. When a sand storm moves in, it steals the day. The sun mixes with the fine dust and creates an orange glow that permeates everything. When it passes, we are left with a thick coating of sand everywhere. I will be so happy to be back home where I can live in a sand free environment.

I pray that you are all well and I will see you very soon.

Here is Bryan with General Umbarger

Here is Mike and I talking with our State's SGT Major. I worked with him the year before this deployment as we prepared to mobilize Indiana's Brigade. It was nice to see him again.
Here we are in our Lab. SPC Troxel, Myself, and General Umbarger goofing around and sharing a laugh. Troxel actually volunteered to go to Afghanistan when we are finished here.

Mike and General Umbarger. The conversation started of innocently enough, but before long Mike started lecturing the General on the importance of good colon health. The General actually fell into an unconscious sleep. Mike didn't let that stop him. He continued his lecture until long after the General left.

Here the General is with Cpt. Ha and SSG K. Cpt. Ha is our optometrist and SSG K is his optician. SSG K is from Saipan.

As the General is distracted, I decided to display my mature and disciplined, military bearing.
O.K. it is very juvenile, but there you have it.
Here we are with the General under the Indiana and U.S. Flag.

Here is where the sandstorm starts to move into our area.

Within twenty minutes our world changed colors.

This is a view from inside our clinic looking out.

Eventually, the sand drowns out our view.

O.k. everyone. Have a great week and I will see you soon.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

For the Love of Guam...

Good Evening Everyone,

Today, I would like to dedicate this blog to the beautiful people of Guam. In 1944, Guam was in the hands of the Japanese and on this date in 1944, the Allied Forces with the help of the courageous people of Guam were able to take back their homeland. So today, I would like to wish the people of Guam a very happy and peaceful anniversary of their independence.

I think it is very important for us in the military to thank all of the country's who fly the Flag of the United States side by side with their country's Flag. Nations like Guam, the Virgin Island, Puerto Rico, St. Croix etc... are all small countries who have been our partners in conflict and in peace. We are so very thankful for having Dr. Walter Perez bless our lives even if it were for a short period of time. Dr. Perez sent us providers each a shirt that he purchased in Guam and asked that we wear it in honor of Guam's Independence from the Japanese. So with honor and great privilege, Dr. Perez we honor your lovely homeland.

These shirt are awesome and they go well with our uniform.
This simple but beautiful flag makes me want to go and visit Guam.
Dr. Perez, we all want to know that we dearly love you and miss you very much. We will be home soon and we will be with our families. I would like to say that you helped to make our little group feel like a family and for that we thank you.

I will be planning a visit to Guam, hopefull within a year, when our vacation time allows. I am so excited to see you again and to meet your family.

God Bless You,
Jeff and your fellow Band of Brothers.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

25 Days To Go...

Good Evening Everyone,

Just a quick note to ask you all to pray for our unit. We are under tremendous stress right now and we would sure be grateful for your thoughts and prayers.

We are 25 days away from going home and I am so excited. I miss my family and I am so filled with anticipation.

I hope you are all well and that the Lord is blessing you with his love.



It looks like Lambie managed to peak her head into the photo. She is kind of an attention seeker and is always trying to get into the picture when the camera comes out.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Karis. She likes to ham it up for the camera but in this photo she is genuinely giggling. She absolutely melts my heart.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Another Day at Work...

Good Evening Everyone,
As we are all packing to come home, I noticed that I had some pictures that I wanted to post and clear off my hard drive. Tasha took these photos for me, so thank you Tasha, you are the 'Bomb Dog Diggity' (That means you are awesome).

Well, a few days ago I had an Iraqi who had come in to see me for a medical problem and while he was in the interpreter told me that this young man had a growth on his abdomen that he wanted me to look at. I examined him and it appeared that he had a dermatofibroma or some kind of vascularized lesion. So, I went ahead and removed it for him and sent it to Germany for lab confirmation. Below are the pictures. A side note, I hadn't published a picture of Drew Porter. He is a sports medicine physician. He is a really great guy and a super fitness freak. He works out 2-3 times everyday. He has since left us and headed home to Iowa. We miss him.

Dr. Drew

Here I am preparing to outline my cut lines. I used an eliptical excision. Generally, the width of the incision should be three times longer than the height. This rule ensures that the wound will close with as little tension as possible.

Lesion is prepped with betadine

I am using a local of 2% lidocaine with epi. The epi will help to minimize the bleeding during the procedure.

I have made my incision and am close to completing the excision.

Almost done.

This is a cautery pen that I use to stop the blood vessel from bleeding.

The nodule has been removed. I will now undermine the healthy tissue on the edge of the wound so that the wound edges approximate well and with very little tension.

Getting ready to close.
I have started suturing with a 5-0 Prolene absorbable suture. These will dissolve and be absorbed by the body. Internal sutures helps to keep the wound tension low so that the external sutures do not pull free.
SGT Beechler and SPC Gravitt are giving me a hard time. I get picked on alot by my guys. It's like junior high school all over again. I gave them extra duty and made them guard a cactus for 8 hours. :0)

Here the wound edges are well approximated with internal sutures. Now, I am ready to place the outer sutures.

Here I am utilizing 3-0 Ethilon, non-absorbable sutures to close. These sutures will have to be removed in 7-10 days.

All finished. The patient did great. The local Iraqi's are really a fine group of people. They are so thankful for the things that we do for them. Taking care of soldiers and local villagers is very fulfilling for me.

Thank you all, again, for checking in. I pray that you are all well.

God Bless You,


Friday, July 10, 2009

Fun Photos...

Good Evening All,
Well we are on the final days of our deployment. So, the other day we had some down time in the clinic and me and my medics/EMT's decided to goof around and take some pictures. I hope you will enjoy...

This is a picture of all of our providers minus Drew.
L to R (1st row): Diana Riera, Bryan
(2nd row): Me, Tim (our clinic nurse), Travis, Mike, and Dr. Dollens
(* Diana Riera she is a pediatric gastroenterologist. So naturally the Army sent her here to take care of soldiers. She is awesome.)

Mike, Tasha (My favorite medic), and Bryan

SGT. Wilson, SPC Burke, Myself, and Tasha

SPC Wilkey, Myself, SPC Hudnell
Our super human strength tends to wow the ladies. :0)

Yes this is me with the 'Physical Fascination, Brandon Bishop'
Brandon is a professional wrestler in his civilian life. I keep him around as my body guard.
We are all gym rats here and spend a great deal of time exercising. It looks like I have a long ways to go before I hit the professional wrestling circuit.

Samantha Hatfield, Myself, and Rella Huesman. These girls are very sharp young ladies. I spend a great deal of time keeping the guys away. I have a stick and a can of pepper spray that I use when the boys come around.

This is one of my three shifts of medics. This group is so much fun and so proficient that we look forward to coming into work when they are 1st up.

Lately we have had simply awful sandstorms. I will post some pictures of those storms a little later.
I hope you are all well. Thank you for checking in.

Love you all,


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day...

Good Evening Everyone,

We would all like to wish you a very happy Fourth of July. Today we celebrate our independence from those oppressive British Scallywags. So, let us celebrate by eating hotdogs, roasting marshmellows, and spreading gossip about the Queen. :0)

I hope you are all well.

God Bless,
