Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another Important Step Towards Freedom...

Good Evening Everyone,
Today we celebrate with the people of Iraq. We have moved our security forces out of all of the major Iraqi cities and have turned over the responsibility of protecting their communities to the Iraqi Security Forces. This may seem like a blurb in the news, but it really is a big day for the good people of Iraq. This move today indicates a progression of peace and independence. We have maintained all along that we wish for nothing more than for people of Iraq to control their own destiny.

I know that the reasons that we entered Iraq are varied and controversal. But for us the mission is clear. We truly desire for the people of Iraq to be free. Free of tyranny, free of oppression, and free of fear. We want children to receive a quality education. We want fathers and mothers to have assurances that their family will be safe. We want to create an environment where the Iraqi people can grow and mature as a society; to acheive their dreams and to reach their fullest potential.

In America we take many things for granted. We do not fear that our house will be visited by death squads or that our teenage children will be hauled away and pressed into military service. We are free to start our own business, move freely around our communities, and sleep in peace. For many years, the Iraqi people lived in fear. Terror reigned supreme. Fathers and mothers worried that their children might be killed or tortured simply because Saddam and his henchmen wanted to show their power. Women were oppressed and many were raped and would disappear without warning. Families dreaded hearing a late night knock on the door from men who were bent on causing pain and misery.
Today, however, the Iraqi people have had many of these burdens lifted. We have encouraged and empowered these good people to take care of their own affairs. They are free to dream; free to grow; free to achieve the impossible. Fear, for the most part, has been removed and I truly believe that the Iraqi people have a bright future ahead.

With today's small step of success, we have to take a moment to remember the cost...

The price of freedom always carries with it a very heavy price tag. It is a sad truth that we have sacrificed our best and brightest so that peace may come to this country. We in the military, have lost our friends, our brothers and sisters in arms, and we ache for their companionship. But we all believe, that our friends have given their life for a cause greater than themselves. We are so blessed to have women and men who understand that the needs of the many are more important than the desires of the few.

To family members and loved ones who have lost their hero, we understand and feel the ache in your heart. Please know that the sacrifices made here have made a difference. Please believe that there are thousands of families in Iraq who can sit at their dinner table as a family and commune in peace and safety as a result of our brothers and sisters devotion. Let us all pray that the work that has been done here will change the climate of the Middle East for the better.

Thank you very much, everyone, for your prayers.

May the Lord bless and keep you in his love



rkhayles said...

As usual, this is beautifully written. I am continually touched by your writings, and feel blessed to have found your blog when Julia was at Balad. She's been home for a few months, but I still follow your writings.

Good luck my friend, and God speed you safely home to your family.

Thank you for your service to our country, your dedication to your chosen profession, your love and devotion to your family, and for your ability to express those feelings in this forum.

Take care,
Proud Air Force Mom

Jeff said...


Thank you very much for following along. I am so glad to hear that Julia is home and safe. Balad is still hot, dusty, and full of Air Force people, but we Army guys can adapt. :0).

I keep you in my prayers. I hope you are doing well.

God Bless You,
