Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Veteran's Day-Karen's Birthday...

Good morning everyone,

I am sorry I haven't updated in a while. We have been busy.
Well, yesterday was Veteran's Day and the base celebrated by having a 5k run. I being the athlete that I am, celebrated by sleeping through the 5K run. I have to pace myself. :0)
Those who participated said that it went well. Lt. Nott, our nurse finished in the top 1500. That's not bad as there were 1533 participants.
Yesterday was also Karen's birthday. I had ordered gifts online and had them sent to Karis who wrapped them all up in pretty wrapping. I was able to video cam home and watch Karen open her gifts. I was feeling pretty proud of the absolutely, wonderfully, fantastic, gifts that I had purchased when Karis whips out this homemade birthday card that she wrote for her mother and suddenly I felt like my gifts were just ornaments. Karis drew her mom a picture and made her a card and wrote a little story on the card. It was so wonderfully done that I was instantly reminded of the Godly bond that those two share. I always have prided myself on the bond that Karis and I have. We are so close...but when I see how Karen and Karis are with eachother... Well, I am just grateful that they have eachother while I am gone. Oh, by the way, our Church had a salute to those who serve in uniform ceremony at the Civic Center the other day and Karis got to say the Pledge of Allegiance. I am proud of her. She is so comfortable in front of big crowds. Sorry, I am just a proud father bragging about his child.
Well, our mission has settled in. I worry that we may become complacent. We are finally in a position where we are in a routine and everyone has become comfortable with their roles. But big changes may be coming. The Iraqi government has yet to approve the SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement). If that is not approved by the end of December, then all forces have to start moving out Iraq immediately. On one hand, I can't imagine that happening as this country will fall apart, on the other hand, I think that both parties would look at this as an honorable way out. If the Iraqi goverment refuses to let us stay in their country then we would leave and neither of our political parties would be held liable for any adverse aftermath as it would be the Iraqi's decision that we leave. I believe, however, that our government is honorable and will do what is right. I truly believe that we cannot leave here. The Iraqi people are real people. They are women and children and men. They are mothers and fathers and sons and daughters. They are trying to make a better life for themselves and if we pull out prematurely then many will perish. We have had enough killing and death. It is time to hold the line and with Gen. Petreaus work we have had remarkable changes. Believe me I am no propaganda machine for the military. In fact, I am the first to admit that so many mistakes have been made that the very nature of this war is in question, but we are here and we have an obligation to protect those whom are under our care.

I hope and pray that the Lord will find a solution to this war. I don't believe that it is pulling out now and I don't know what the conclusion should be...But the Lord does. So, I say that we pray for a solution and I believe God will honor our prayers.

Now, on to another subject. I removed Bryan's sutures last night and his wound looks good. See below.

Sorry the photo is blurry. His incision healed well but his skin did not like the sutures.

I have to apologize to Bryan's wife Stephanie. She looked at the photo's of Bryan's procedure and she took exception to the comment when I called her husband a 'hairy monkey'. So, I want to apologize. Here is goes...Ahemmm...

Dear Mrs. Frodo Baggins. I am sorry that I called your husband a 'hairy monkey.'

See, I am not too big to apologize and admit when I am wrong.

I have to say though, in all seriousness, that Stephanie has a wonderful blog and her and Bryan have a beautiful child. I have really appreciated my friendship with Bryan and am very glad that we could share this deployment together.

Well, I pray that you are all well.

Have an awesome night.


1 comment:

Tony C said...

Hope you had a great Veterans Day and thank you for your service to our country.

God Bless and take care.